Friday, January 29, 2010

Do You Have the Right Team? -- Preparing to Launch Your Online Business

We’ve talked about creating a mission statement, knowing your strengths and weaknesses, and developing a strategy for your online business start up. Now is the time to tout you and your team. Your confidence, enthusiasm, and vision are incredibly important to the success of your business, and to gain the confidence of investors. They are ultimately investing in YOU, so sell yourself and your team! Consider:

Who are your team members, managers, or partners? What is their level of education? Do you or they have any experience in similar ventures or businesses? Are you particularly passionate about your products? Why? Who will be in charge of what? Who has final decision-making authority?

Every business can potentially be faced with challenges. What risks might you face in your business, and how will you be prepared to face them? Consider:

Have you in the past, or are you currently facing litigation? Do you have access to an attorney? Do you have adequate insurance coverage for your business? Who is in charge of record keeping, and how are those records stored and protected? Do you use an accountant?

Once you have a plan for your online business, you need a website. When conceiving your website, before you think about colors, pictures, or even format, take into consideration the answers to the questions above and come up with the purpose of your website. That will make your web design process a lot easier.

This series of blog articles on starting an online business begins here .

For more information on starting an e-business or creating a new look for your current e-business, please visit or call 1-866-211-0743. Stay current on the latest products and web trends at .

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