Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Getting the Most Out of Your Videos

One way to increase the reach of videos used on your own website is to post them on video sharing sites. By doing so, you can immediately boost the viewers who are exposed to your product, services, or important message. Also, you create links back to your website, and those links in turn boost your search engine ratings.

Posting on other sites is an easy way to leverage your video assets to the maximum. In addition to popular places like YouTube and Facebook, you may also want to consider using a “video distribution service like TubeMogul to deploy your videos to the top sharing sites,” suggests Michelle Bowles. (See Tips for Video Optimization.)

Posting on your own site requires special care and consideration as well.

“The impact created by the video not only depends on the quality of the created video, but the final quality of output that reaches the viewing audience...A good video backed up by a poor video player is often a let down and fails to create the impact that it would have...” (See TalkGold.)

Many wonder about whether to use Flash, Quicktime, or some other plug-in, or to employ a code-heavy embedded player to display video. The decision hinges on several factors. Quicktime is known for easy integration with the iPod; Flash is known for ease of use, good quality display, and excellent functionality. Sometimes web visitors don't have the proper plug ins loaded on their computers to see the content, but that is fixed easily enough once they take time to load them. The important challenge is that adding keywords or video summaries is not extensively supported with such plug ins. The way to compensate is to make text on the page key-word rich and SEO optimized. So, for a site with just a few videos, it is probably better to use a Flash player since its quality of play is comparatively better than other players. On the other hand, an embedded player or a custom video database is advisable for websites that will manage a lot of videos, or where videos are intended to be uploaded by visitors.

An embedded player is more accessible to search engine spiders than are plug-in players. The Video Conversion and Management Database offered by HIT Web Design can take any format of video that is uploaded and convert it behind the scenes to a manageable file for display on your site. It also allows you the ability to add keywords, titles, captions, and summaries to the video information, a critical step to making the videos show up in search engines.

For more information, please visit or call 1-866-211-0743.

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