Wednesday, July 29, 2009

So You've Discovered You Need a Website...

You look around on the internet and you see a lot of different options. It’s seriously confusing! Who to choose? Should you do it yourself? Do you go for someone that is inexpensive? Or do you pay top dollar figuring that you’ll get the best work that way? How do you avoid getting scammed?

There are many questions to ask yourself in this situation. We’ll start at the beginning…doing it yourself.

Much of the time we know someone who has put together a website. It seems like everyone has done it these days. There are a lot of opportunities out there to edit or create a site out there. You may have even dabbled in it by creating a Myspace page or something similar. Doesn’t seem that hard. Perhaps you can even have a student you know create it. Why hire a professional design company when you can do it yourself? There are many reasons this may not be the wisest course…

If you choose to do it yourself, are you prepared to spend the time creating and maintaining the site? It can be incredibly time consuming to keep a site fresh. Also, do you have the knowledge of search engine optimization that will get your site ranked where you need it? Can you create a custom design or will you have to use a template that who knows how many other company’s have used as well? These are just some of the questions you have to ask yourself before taking on the task of creating a website that is going to represent yourself and your company.

Many of the same questions apply to giving the project to an amateur designer. There is no doubt there are some very talented amateur designers out there, but do they have the experience to tell you exactly what you actually need for your site? How to design it to optimize it for the viewers you are after? Do they have the time to maintain it for the long run? Do they know how to do search engine optimization?

A professional design company knows all these things and more. They can optimize your site for search engines as well as optimize the graphics for fast download times. They know from first hand knowledge what kind of things your site will need for your business and how to design it for the optimum viewing experience for your viewers. You know your business, so more than likely it is to your advantage to let the expert use their time to build your site while you concentrate on building your business. Creating a website takes a lot of time; everything from writing your content to figuring out what will work for your site on the different kinds of browsers. So there are many things to consider when deciding who is going to help you with your web presence.

Tomorrow we will go into price; what is reasonable and what do you actually need to spend to make sure you have a website that will not only be functional but easy to use for your clients and viewers.

For more information, please visit or call 1-866-211-0743.

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