Saturday, July 25, 2009

Small Business in the New Economy

The New Economy:
How can small businesses help the current financial crisis?

You may be aware of the significant differences between small businesses and commercial chains. At HIT Web Design, we support small businesses by providing web hosting and building custom websites for entrepreneurs.

While that Ma and Pa craft store on the corner may not have as big a parking lot (or massive database website) as the retail chain across the street, could there be an advantage to investing in members of our own community?

Some of the reasons the American economy is in its current state are connected to the disconnect between small businesses and large commercial enterprises. Consider the differences between Wall Street and Main Street, or in other words, big businesses and small businesses. It could be compared to shopping at your local Farmers Market versus a large grocery chain. Instead of funneling all our capital into overseas markets, foreign oil production, and imports, we can circulate the resources in our own communities, thus bolstering our local economies. Is it really that simple?

In many ways, it is. While small businesses may feel overshadowed by large commercial monopolies, there is no reason to give up on Uncle Ted's Diner or Frank's Auto Service. Consider some of the real advantages of small businesses:
• Small businesses can respond more quickly to needs in the community.
• Owners of small businesses can be their own bosses, supporting their own personal values.
• Small businesses can specialize in unique products that can't be found in retail markets.
• Small businesses, through more focused means of production, can produce higher quality, environmental products that aren't mass produced or made with low-quality materials.
• Small businesses are very well-suited for online marketing, which is a main focus of HIT Web Design.

Not only do the reasons listed above give small businesses a leg up in our communities, but buying and producing locally stimulates the national economy as a whole. So while owning or supporting a small business may initially require more risks, planning, or even work hours, it may be well worth the investment in the long run.

The staff at HIT Web Design can help your business flourish by building a custom website that will help you reach communities that matter to all of us. If you need help getting your small business on its feet, don't hesitate to contact HIT Web Design for your online marketing needs.

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