Sunday, July 26, 2009

Owning Your Own Future in a Down Economy

Owning Your Own Future

Economic challenges have spread across the nation. With stories of foreclosures, debt, and suffering businesses, there is a flip side to this coin of the economy that demonstrates business is not all bad. At Heritage Web Solutions, we have witnessed and aided the drive of many small businesses that are flourishing and are becoming even more successful than before the drastic changes that rocked our nation.

What is the key to this success?
Some may argue it is simply the type of services and products you offer. Others claim it depends on the region your business serves. While each of these can affect a business’s success, a combination of many factors can lead to owning your own future in today’s changed economy.

Customer Focus
Pinpoint the specific types of customers you are looking to attract and then reach out to them based on research of what they need. Surveys and third-party perspectives can help determine customer needs. Even more important, be loyal to the customers you already have. Studies have shown that attracting a new customer can be up to 8 times as expensive as maintaining a current one. Communicate consistently with past, current, and new customers so that they know what is occurring in your business and can take advantage of your services. Newsletters, e-mail ads, and phone calls all serve as reminders and help show that you value your customers. Heritage has many products that can help you stay in touch with your customers.

Updated, Modernized, Integrated Business
With new technology and a move toward a global economy, you must use the modern tools available and update your services and marketing strategies. Because of the expansive reach of the Internet, establishing a web presence has become a vital tool in today’s society. Integrate your business into today’s business world by establishing yourself online and including the programs, technology, and tools competitors offer their customers.

Taking the Lead
Do even more than keep pace with competitors by taking the lead in the business race through innovation and creativity. Be different and know how to communicate it, whether it be through the products you provide, exceptional customer service, or unique advertising techniques. Set yourself apart from your competitors and continually change and add to what you offer or how you offer your services to keep your business fresh and thriving.

With these and other tactics and an overall opportunistic mindset small business owners can drive their business to success even amidst the rise and fall of the changing economic waves. Some of our nation's greatest businesses have arisen from the challenge of hard times. Whatever tools and strategies you use, the face of opportunity is looking your business straight in the eye and there may never be a better time take charge of your success and begin owning your own future.

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