Monday, February 8, 2010

HIT's Facebook Page a Helpful Resource

HIT Web Design is now on FacebookBecome a fan of HIT Web Design on Facebook and learn things you might not know, including: Design Tips, Small Business Helps, and updates on Haiti's Little Angels.

HIT and Haiti's Little Angels – Stay Updated on Recent Developments
• HIT has been keeping fans regularly posted about the latest developments in Haiti. The company  formally adopted the Haitian orphanage, Hope For Little Angels of Haiti, in December of 2008 and has been instrumental in funding the orphanage's food, medical, clothing, and clean-water needs.

• CEO David Aitken recently adopted three Haitian children from the orphanage, a process that began in November 2008. The weeks following the 7.0 earthquake that rocked Haiti have been highly emotional for Aitken, who initially did not know if his soon-to-be adopted children were safe after the quake to experience the elation bringing them to his home in Utah. Utah's statewide newspapers and television stations have been covering Aitken's saga, and links can be found on HIT's Facebook fan page.

• Since the quake, all 68 of the Little Angels orphanage have been found alive and safe. HIT Web Design, which has been providing employee-donated funds for over a year to the orphanage, will be helping it rebuild after the quake.

Stay Informed with Helpful Blogs and Videos
• We posts helpful blogs and videos describing ways you can improve your website, with topics ranging from optimizing your site for search engines to design tips to effective small business practices. Links are regularly posted on Facebook, and provides an easy-to-access resource to become more educated on building your business online.

• HIT is also developing a following on Twitter . We post links to blogs posted everyday on our website. You can also find us on YouTube .

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